If you’ve ever woken up to find a heap of trash on your property, you know how frustrating it can feel. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for illegal dumping on properties to occur, especially in the United States.
Dumpster rental services are here for a purpose; to facilitate the safe collection and disposal of garbage in residential and public places. However, there is an uncouth breed of individuals that practice illegal dumping, otherwise known as ‘midnight dumping'. According to the law, this practice is illegal with a possible jail sentence when found guilty. These individuals are mostly not willing to pay for collection and disposal or are just too lazy to dump the trash in designated areas such as landfills. If you are a victim of illegal dumping, there are steps to take to scare away culprits and avoid additional waste disposal charges from garbage haulers. Install ‘no dumping’ signs Unfortunately, not many people are aware that illegal dumping is an act punishable by law. So, by installing ‘no dumping' signs around your private property, and including that offenders will be reported to the authorities, this is a great way to prevent illegal dumping. Additionally, by having such signs, you make it easy to file claims and sue for damages. Make sure you indicate that offenders will face the full wrath of the law as well as pay for clean-up and garbage disposal fees. Install security surveillance Since time immemorial, security surveillance cameras are put in place to deter any criminal activity. Normally, people install CCTV to catch thieves and robbers. However, in our case, it can be a great tool for catching illegal dumping perpetrators. In addition to warning signs, install security cameras. It most cases, the lawbreakers will deny having been involved in the illegal dumping. It is the reason why we insist on security surveillance cameras being the perfect tool to provide proof of criminal activity. Proper landscaping Have you ever noticed that the moment you step into a clean property you are subconsciously inclined to maintain the high levels of cleanliness? The same happens with illegal dumping. Rarely will people trash your property if it has curb appeal. Well-manicured lawns, a properly landscaped outdoor area, and beautiful gardening are some of the things that ward off illegal dumpers. On the other hand, if your property is home to a considerable amount of waste, people will have no problem dumping. It is an indirect indication that the vice is acceptable in your premises, giving perpetrators a go-ahead. All in all, illegal dumping is a bad habit that is punishable by the law. Through the implementation of the above-named strategies, you are in a better position to keep lawbreakers away from your premises. However, if the practice continues, you need to report to the police or employ additional security like the use of dogs or security guards to discourage the vice. Comments are closed.
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